• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

Save the Date: Collaborating on Carbon Workshop

Collaborating on Carbon

 A workshop to understand downstream impacts and the future of US forest carbon markets 

June 17 -18, 2024

Nashville, TN

Forest carbon market expansion presents a diverse set of social, economic, and ecological impacts. In this workshop, you are invited to share your perspectives on forests, industries, and communities. You will join with other experts, market-actors, and interests in identifying risks and collaborative solutions. This event is the culmination of a project entitled Exploring the Potential Effects of an Expanding Forest Carbon Market in the United States. Attendees will hear a summary of the project’s concept paper, survey, and mapping analysis; presentations from experts, and engage in small group discussions. Thought leaders representing a full range of perspectives and experiences on forest carbon markets are invited to participate in the workshop and contribute to the final results of the project.  

Project Partners: U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities with the team of Cambium Consulting, Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), and Dovetail Partners  

Hosted by: Project partners, in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry  

Click here to add the event save the date to your calendar (Google) (Outlook) 

Stay tuned for updates and registration information. The event will offer a hybrid format to allow online and recorded access to the presentation components of the agenda.

To join the project contact list and receive direct announcements, contact:

Katie Fernholz, Dovetail Partners, katie@dovetailinc.org, 612-333-0430 or visit: http://www.dovetailinc.org  

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