• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

Survey is Now Available to Explore the Impacts of an Expanding Forest Carbon Market

U.S. Endowment supported collaborative project with Dovetail Partners and Cambium Consulting invites input from stakeholders and all interested parties

(20 February 2024,  Minneapolis, MN) -  A survey is now available to support the project “Exploring the Potential Effects of an Expanding Forest Carbon Market in the United States”.  The survey seeks input on strengths, weaknesses, and anticipated outcomes from forest carbon markets as well as insight into where additional information is needed to support informed decision making.  The survey is open to anyone with insight and opinions into the effects of forest carbon markets on  working forests and the communities that rely on them in the United States. 

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities has provided a grant to Dovetail Partners to conduct a project in collaboration with Cambium Consulting, with the goal of creating shared understanding around the potential effects of an expanding forest carbon market in the United States. The project has four distinct phases, designed to raise awareness and encourage consideration and integration of approaches to maximize positive outcomes and minimize negative impacts: development of a concept paper, a survey of stakeholders and interested parties, development of mapping strategies, and a convening workshop to be held in June 2024. 

Results from the survey will be analyzed anonymously and used with an aim of determining what is working well for forests and people, and what changes are needed to ensure all forest products, services, and values can continue to be available for current and future generations. Aggregated results will inform a publicly available report and the June workshop. 

The survey will take approximately 12 minutes to complete, with responses accepted through March 25th, 2024. 

For more information or if you require access to the survey in another format, please contact: 

Katie Fernholz, Dovetail Partners, katie@dovetailinc.org, 612-333-0430 or visit: http://www.dovetailinc.org

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