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Role of Biochars in Climate Mitigation

Dovetail associate Harry Groot collaborated with the US Forest Service, US Biochar Initiative, and the Southern Regional Extension Forestry to deliver a webinar titled "Biochar's Role in Climate Mitigation." Following the webinar, Harry updated and re-recorded the presentation. 

The latest presentation can be accessed on Dovetail's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kFvwUJcl70

Certified as a Professional Engineer and an Energy Manager, Harry Groot has extensive experience, including serving as Virginia’s Governor-appointed Representative to the Consortium for Manufacturing Competitiveness. In his role as Regional Director for Va’s Center for Innovative Technology, he facilitated technology transfer between higher education institutions, Federal Labs, and regional businesses. Recently, his focus has been on biochar, encompassing the biochar industry, technology, and the potential for market development.

Stay updated on biochar developments on the Dovetail website: https://www.dovetailinc.org/portfolio.php?Tag=Biochar

Thank you to the US Forest Service, USDA, Department of Energy, US Biochar Initiative (USBI), and International Biochar Initiative (IBI) for their invaluable contributions and support in advancing research, innovation, and awareness surrounding biochar and its role in sustainable solutions.

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