• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

SFI Fire Resilience and Awareness Virtual Workshop on February 5th

Sustainable Forestry Initiative is hosting a virtual workshop on "Fire Resilience and Awareness" on February 5th 1:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern that will feature speakers highlighting best practices to address both Performance Measure 10.1 (Fire Resilience) and 10.2 (Awareness) and will include breakout sessions for smaller group discussions. Dovetail's own Gloria Erickson will participate as a speaker at the SFI workshop. 

The goal is to support the implementation of the requirements in Objective 10, Fire Resilience and Awareness, of the SFI 2022 Forest Management Standard through:

1. Awareness of available resources and tools

2. Sharing of best practices among SIC members

This workshop is open to all SIC members, representatives of SFI-certified organizations, and partners that are interested in working with the SIC network. To learn more about what SICs are visit: https://forests.org/sic/.

Advanced registration is required for the workshop on February 5th.
Register here: https://forests.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcu-srDkoGt3Q9EG3cgVWdLJXKf_BeyzV

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