• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

Invitation to Join Dovetail Partners' “First Score” Club 2023

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Dovetail Partners “First Score” Club 2023

Dovetail Partners is celebrating our 20th anniversary throughout 2023!  In honor of our “First Score” we want to express our gratitude to those individuals and organizations that have gotten us to this milestone and also invite new and continued support.  Please join our First Score Club and help secure Dovetail’s work for the next twenty years - our “second score”.

First Score Club Membership, 2023

Donations made before November 25, 2023 (twenty years to-the-day of Dovetail’s founding!) will count toward membership in the First Score Club. Donors to the First Score Club will be recognized in Dovetail’s e-newsletter, at our website, and in our annual report. 

First Score Club Levels:


Donation of any amount 


Donation of $500 to $5,000


Donation of $5,000 to $10,000


Donation of $10,000 or more 

Donations can be made online at:


Click here to download a donation form.

Thank you to Collin Miller for sharing recent reflections on Dovetail's impact:

"Dovetail Partners was founded the year after I graduated from college and began my career working in the forestry and wood products sector. My first full time job was to administer a federally funded grants program for the wood products industry and having a limited background in business operations, I turned to Dovetail’s free, un-biased white papers and reports to help me better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the sector. Several years later, I would work closely with their founder Jeffrey Howe on efforts to stimulate innovation and organizational development in secondary wood products sector across the Northern Forest. Many business owners that we worked with would say that having Jeff on their leadership team was invaluable to the success of their operations and I learned a great deal from those times on the road and “in the trenches” overcoming limited mental models during a time of rapid change. Ultimately, Jeff’s extensive work in the sector led to his book, “Unleashing the Power of People: A Guide to Organizing People & Systems.” which I keep close at hand when confronted with organizational inertia. Using the tools provided in Jeff’s book for facilitating effective meetings and accountability measures have been incredibly beneficial. Dovetail’s team of subject matter experts are truly thought-leaders in our sector at a time when more is being asked of forests than ever before. I’m so glad you are out there and I can’t wait to see what great work comes from the team over the next 20 years!"   - Collin Miller, CF, Watershed Forester, NYC Environmental Protection

In honor of our anniversary, we have invited input and received testimonials from recent interns who shared ways in which Dovetail has impacted their career and personal path:

“I was drawn to Dovetail Partners because I had the privilege of having Dr. Jim Bowyer as professor and the course he taught (along with his integrity and passion) had such a lasting impact on me—it really opened my young eyes. I absolutely love and believe in the mission of Dovetail Partners and the staff has always been exceptionally talented and knowledgeable. I currently work in reviewing Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements and serve on the local Natural Resources Commission. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate and contribute with such an amazing globally important organization.”  - P.F,  2012.

“I loved being an intern at Dovetail while I was an undergrad pursuing my architecture degree and sustainability minor. Dovetail helped me get a further internship opportunity and really had a large impact on my fledgling architecture career! I was and remain incredibly grateful.”  - A.T, 2013.

“Dovetail has always been a supremely knowledgeable and supportive resource in the ~7 years that we've been connected since my internship - connecting me with appropriate resources and guidance and providing insight to people in my network - providing a very broad range of natural resource topics. I currently work for the US Forest Service.”  - L.K, 2015.

"I was lucky enough to land a research internship with Dovetail my first year attending the University and was guided through a semester-long research project exploring urban greening & equity with so much encouragement, thoughtful feedback, and technical guidance. I even published my research in an undergraduate research journal, which has been a big resume highlight. My time at Dovetail provided personal and professional resources and it was a foundational stepping stone in my college and professional career."  - A.S, 2020.

If you’re looking for more information about our impact, you can also read testimonials from past projects and partners at the bottom of our website’s homepage - including this comment from a colleague: “I’ve trusted Dovetail Partners to give me reliable information to inform my research. They provide timely analysis and have the experience and integrity to know how to use it.”  

Thank you for your support of Dovetail Partners and helping us reach our 20th Anniversary year!  We are grateful for your support and look forward to continuing the journey together.

Thank you very much for your support!  A letter will be sent to acknowledge your contribution. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call 612-333-0430 or send an email to

 Information about making donations from investment accounts is also available. 

Dovetail Partners is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (Tax ID: 52-2419510)and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Dovetail Partners’ mission is to provide authoritative information about the impacts and trade-offs of environmental decisions, including consumption choices, land use, and policy alternatives.   

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