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Nimaawanji’idimin Giiwitaashkodeng Project

The “River Talks” speaker series organized by the Wisconsin Sea Grant Program and Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve invites you to a presentation of the Nimaawanji’idimin Giiwitaashkodeng project: Using Fire to Heal the Land on Wisconsin and Minnesota points. Presentation is January 11, 2023, at 7 PM Central time, and is available in person or by Zoom. 

Presenters Evan Larson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville and Melonee Montano, Red Cliff tribal member and University of Minnesota graduate student will provide background to this work showcasing the story of Ishkode, fire, and forest change on Zhaagawaamikong Neyaashi, Minnesota and Wisconsin points, as described by the rings of red pine trees interpreted by undergraduate students from Fond du Lac Tribal Community College and the University of Minnesota Duluth. This will be an excellent forum for sharing the history of this landscape and discussing how this history may guide the stewardship of both Minnesota Point and Wisconsin Point in the future. 

You can find the event information here: https://minnesotafac.org/blogdetail.php?id=63b85708c1f0b

Additional information and a Zoom link are available at: https://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/our-work/focus-areas/education/river-talks-speaker-series/.

Blog post about the project: https://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/news/the-stories-trees-tell/

Caption for photo:  The project research team on Wisconsin Point. From left to right: Valerie Zhaawendaagozikwe, Ashla Ojibway, Mocha Reynolds, Emily Lockling and Evan Larson. They are standing next to a culturally modified pine that shows signs of tool marks from over 100 years ago. Image credit: Lane Johnson

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