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May Heartbeat of the Forest by Kathleen Preece

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A friend recently sent me a note. The words below are all he said; they were all he needed to say. They brought me close to the window, inspiring me to take a walk through my pineries:

The first geese passed on 3/13. Could hear the first sharp-tails dancing on 3/15 and the first meadowlark showed up on 3/17. Found the first Pasque flowers in bloom and the first cranes passed on 4/4. Spring although cold was happening, until a 3-day blizzard arrived on 4/12 leaving 16”-20’ of wet, wet snow and 3” more on 4/17. Life on the northern plains is all about patience and humility. You remain in my heart and knowing you are there helps keep me here.

Okay, so that last line was personal. But aren’t all heartbeats intimate? Pulsing? Especially those that occur with constancy and reliability?

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