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Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator project webinar recording available

Dovetail continues to work on quantifying the carbon storage potential and opportunity across 1.5 million acres of Minnesota’s school trust lands in partnership with the Office of School Trust Lands, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Resource Assessment Program, University of Minnesota Duluth Natural Resource Research Institute, and The Nature Conservancy-Minnesota. This work focuses on quantifying the potential for improved forest management strategies and seeks to identify policy avenues to improve forest management for carbon storage. 

Recently, the partners held a webinar with other states that manage trust lands to investigate the opportunity to leverage the work occurring in Minnesota for replication in other states. Participation was diverse, including land managers from Alaska to Mississippi. In that webinar, additional resources were shared, including a project summary and FAQ document. To learn more, access the recording here: https://youtu.be/N2iYRTUSSXk. The project team is now in the process of meeting one-on-one states that want to participate in the project to broaden participation in carbon project opportunities on public lands.

If you have any questions about the project or want to engage your state in these efforts, please reach out to Ashley McFarland - ashley@dovetalinc.org. Thank you to The Nature Conservancy’s Natural Climate Solutions Accelerator Grant Program, funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, for supporting this work.

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