The Advisory Committee on Sustainable Forest-based Industries (ACSFI) has endorsed the ACSFI Strategic Framework 2020-2030 at the occasion of a web-based meeting, on 23 September 2020.
Dr. Ed Pepke, Senior Timber Trade and Policy Analyst for Dovetail Partners provided an overview on the findings and recommendations of the ACSFI Strategic Review completed by Dovetail Partners. Dr Pepke was followed by the Secretary of the ACSFI, Mr Sven Walter who introduced the ACSFI Strategic Framework 2020-2030 providing particular focus on the Framework’s Purpose, Strategic Goal to 2030 and expected outputs 2020-2024. Based on the recommendations of the Strategic Review, the Strategic Framework sets out the priorities for 2020-2030 with short, medium, and long-term actions identified.
The Strategic Framework will guide ACSFI’s work until 2030 by identifying and stimulating strategic actions by FAO, the private sector and other stakeholders that promote sustainable forest management and sustainable consumption and production patterns related to forest products.
The Strategic Goal of the ACSFI over the next decade is to advise FAO in its work towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by enhancing FAO’s impact through catalyzing innovative forest-related actions and partnerships between FAO, the private sector and other stakeholders. Short-term strategic priorities of the ACSFI include i) sharing lessons learned of forest industries’ responses to Covid-19 and their contribution to ”building back better better”; ii) positioning the forest sector in the sustainable circular bioeconomy and iii) engaging in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.
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