(Minneapolis, MN) – On April 8, 2020, Dovetail Partners hosted a webinar targeting businesses and their ability to be resilient through disasters. Although initially planned to be an in-person workshop focusing on fires and other natural disasters, the current pandemic refocused efforts and content.
You can now view the webinar at: https://youtu.be/jpWwQIiC9HY.
Materials referenced in the webinar can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ssmwsOFc56a3QBAnC5ZWWo0LRrbkBn5OEMGYAFsQOR8.
We would love to hear if you were able to view the webinar! Please drop a line to Gloria Erickson, Community Wildfire Project Manager at gloria@dovetailinc.org.
Thank you to all our partners for their support:
• Betsy Olivanti - Northeast Minnesota Small Business Development Center
• Sarah Guy-Levar - former Director of the Dorothy Molter Museum
• Lindsey Keen and Roger Ooms - State Farm Insurance
• University of Minnesota Extension - Zoom Webinar support
• St. Louis County Emergency Management - funding support
• Fire Adapted Communities Network - funding support
Stay well, and be prepared!
This workshop is partially supported by the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (FAC Net). Dovetail Partners is a proud member of FAC Net, which is an active, engaged and growing network of individuals and organizations who exchange information, collaborate to enhance the practice of fire adapted communities, and work together at multiple scales to help communities live safely with fire. This includes embracing resiliency concepts and taking action before, during and after wildfires.
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