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Dr. Jim Bowyer’s New Book Receives International Acclaim

The Irresponsible Pursuit of Paradise has attracted interest in Europe.

(Minneapolis, MN) – The Irresponsible Pursuit of Paradise, a book which examines environmental policies of the U.S. and other wealthy countries in the context of consumption and raw materials demand, has attracted interest in Europe. 

Dr. Leon Vlieger, a Dutch biologist and blogger who operates the website The Inquisitive Biologist, recently published a highly favorable review of Dr. Bowyer’s new book. Vlieger is also an employee of the world’s largest environmental specialty bookstore, NHBS, where he catalogues all relevant new publications in the fields of wildlife, science and the environment.

In the words of Vlieger, “This thought-provoking book is both easily digestible and accessible. It is easy to recommend this as an essential read for those interested in resource extraction, environmental issues and sustainable development. . .. . A book like this wouldn’t be complete if it didn’t offer a way forward, and the last two chapters outline what might be done to bring about meaningful change. . . This book is deserving of a far greater readership.”

The full review can be found at https://inquisitivebiologist.wordpress.com/2017/11/20/book-review-the-irresponsible-pursuit-of-paradise-second-edition/

Questions designed to stimulate thinking and discussion are provided for each chapter for use by individual readers, book clubs, or in formal class settings. The book is currently used in environmentally-oriented courses in several major universities across the U.S.

An important work of our time, and a finalist for the Midwest Book Award, The Irresponsible Pursuit of Paradise is available either in hard copy or as an e-book. Copies are available at Itasca Books (http://www.itascabooks.com/the-irresponsible-pursuit-of-paradise-2138.html) or wherever books are sold.


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