• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

In 2010, Dovetail Partners published a Green Marketing article titled, “Growing Sales in Growing Markets.” The article pointed out that for many companies trying to participate in the “green economy” green marketing might be the first time they truly attempt to introduce a new product or address an entirely new market. That same year we also published “Marketing as a process – Not Voodoo2,” which suggested a process by which an organization can coordinate its marketing activities to enhance the likelihood of a program’s success.

Herein we address “Green Marketing Implementation” and recommend some important activities that are essential to a program’s success. We also provide several publicly available examples of how organizations have addressed the sometimes-confusing product adoption process.

The most important takeaway from this report is that there is a critical sequence of events that needs to occur for a successful marketing outcome that results in revenue growth. Activities that occur “out-of-sequence” are the cause of unnecessary or excessive expenditure of resources and often lead to an all-too-common focus by the customer on price as the only product attribute of merit. In this report we suggest some simple guidelines—the 3-Ms, 4-Ps, and 5-Ss of marketing—as a means to optimize your resources and maximize the effectiveness of your marketing activities.

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