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The Intersection of Social Marketing, Social Media, AI, and Forestry: Opportunities for New Impacts and Better Outcomes

Moira Daley
Dovetail Partners Intern, 2024


Social marketing is rooted in traditional marketing techniques and applies these principles to social issues in an effort to influence positive behavioral change. Social marketing campaigns are able to effectively target specific audiences, determine existing behaviors and barriers, and implement effective messaging to create change in behavior. This paper explores the application of social marketing techniques to forestry, including conservation efforts with family forest landowners. Additionally, quickly developing technologies like social media and artificial intelligence (AI) can further the impacts of social marketing by fostering an interactive dialogue and community between the audience and the marketer and accelerated learning. This analysis highlights the future possibilities for social marketing and social media to advance forestry conservation outreach and landowner and community behavioral change efforts. Social marketing has previously been researched by Dovetail Partners, and this paper is a continuation and update to the earlier research.

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