You can now find/read the Report of the Intelligent Consumption Project hosted here on the Dovetail Partners Inc. Website!
Originally releasing this report in May 2001, the Intelligent Consumption Project (ICP) was a joint effort of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. The Project sought to explore the role that informed consumer choices can play in shaping conservation policy and practice, and ultimately in shaping our landscape. Intelligent consumption is viewed as a critical part of our society’s continuing effort to develop a viable conservation ethic. The expected increase in the world’s population within this century will present society with challenges unprecedented in our history as a species. Not the least of these will be the challenge of providing food, energy, shelter, clothing, and other goods for an expanding population that is increasingly affluent and able to consume. The ICP has examined how intelligent choices, guided by a consumption ethic, can and should contribute to conservation efforts domestically and globally.