• +1 (612) 333-0430
  • 528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 USA

Businesses are about people. It is not the equipment that makes you money, it is the decision to buy it, the decision of when to turn it on or off, what to feed it, how hard to push it, and when to let it rest; these and other major decisions are all directly or indirectly made by people. Thus, the keys to successful leadership today are communication, facilitation, collaboration and conflict resolution. This book provides a detailed guide in how to develop those skills as an individual and to embed them into the systems of your organizaiton (or your part) such that you nuture those abilities throughout. The result is increased motivation, accountability, and results. The goal is to help you make a big difference in yourself and your organization immediately. This book is not about theory, although theory is discussed; it is about immediately defining and implementing the kinds of activities that will make the biggest difference.

Click here to download an excerpt from the book regarding critical leadership skills.
Click here to buy digital and hard copies of the book.

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